10882 - Badge Holder
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) started its service 1963 at the height of immigration from the Chinese mainland and huge population growth. QEH is the largest hospital under the management of the Hospital Authority and offers a full complement of services to Hong Kong people.
Queen Elizabeth Hospital selected two promotional items in SourceEC. They are two different style badge holder. ID badge holders are being used virtually everywhere that a visible form of identification must be worn or displayed. Badge holders make it easy to locate, carry, and display a form of photo ID instantly and conveniently. Most of our card holders will also extend the lifespan of the ID badges by protecting them inside of a clear vinyl or plastic protective material while still allowing you to see your ID badge or badges inside. Name badges that clip on feature an easy-to-load pocket style design. They're easy to gather up after the meeting or event if you want to reuse them. Choose the type of name badge best suited for your audience and your event.