2302 - Aprons Circular Badge Holder
Ho Kin District Community Centre
Ho Kin District Community Centre for Senior Citizens (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) established in 1989, the centre opened the first senior citizen library in Hong Kong. During 2004, the centre has undergone a series of transformation of services, enhancing the services for those taking care of the senior citizen, providing training programme to non-governemnt organizations and schools in the community. These help promote the understanding of public, particularly the younger generation, towards the needs of the senior citizen. In these recent years, it has strived to develop inter-specialty and inter-disciplinary services and arranged one-stop comprehensive medical and social services. Senior citizen could enjoy assessment and treatment by social worker, doctor, nurse, physiotherpist and occupational therapist.
Ho Kin District Community Centre for Senior Citizens recently unveiled a triangle zero wallet and a telescopic certificates. Triangle zero wallet red high-end atmosphere, which shows guests of noble gas. Triangle zero purse new design, a push button, which is convenient to carry and let people love. Telescopic documents set of concise and practical, plus the unique hook with a logo design, already beautiful propaganda effect.